Be the Change You Wish to See

At Snarky Hippie we believe we totally have the responsibility to give back to the world, support one another, and take care of our nonhuman friends.  As part of our commitment to spread peace, love, and harmony we proudly commit to donate 3% of our gross profits to these worthy organizations:


Rainforest Trust purchases and protects the most threatened tropical forests, saving endagered wildlife through partnerships and community engagement. Every action we take now to protect rainforest will have a lasting impact on the future by maintaining our planet’s critical ecosystems.



Since 1951, the Animal Welfare Institute has been dedicated to reducing animal suffering caused by people.


The network of local Girls Inc. nonprofit organizations serves girls ages 6-18 at more than 1,500 sites in 350 cities across the United States and Canada. Our research-based programming is delivered by trained professionals who focus on the development of the whole girl, supporting, mentoring, and guiding girls in an affirming, pro-girl environment. Here, girls learn to value their whole selves, discover and develop their inherent strengths, and receive the support they need to navigate the challenges they face